Ecological Restoration Services
Ecological Restoration Services
IERS is an experienced, full-service ecological restoration contractor specializing in restoring disturbed sites and degraded ecosystems. We work on some of the most challenging and sensitive terrain in the Truckee and Lake Tahoe areas of California and Nevada. IERS specializes in erosion control, riparian restoration, steep slope stabilization and erosion control, wetland restoration, habitat restoration, roadside erosion control, road removal, and ski slope restoration. IERS can help you determine the best way to prevent erosion and restore your disturbed site by calling us at 530-308-1941.
Ecological Restoration Approach
We focus on producing long-term, low-maintenance restoration solutions that are both site-specific and ecosystem-based. Our commitment to monitoring and adaptive management, as well as our multiple partnerships with research institutions, enables us to continually refine and improve the effectiveness of our ecological restoration techniques.
Our projects achieve erosion control objectives using sediment source control techniques, rather than sometimes ineffective sediment control measures. These include erosion control blankets, erosion control fabric, or erosion control matting. Because soil is the basis of our ecosystem, we focus our efforts on restoring and recapitalizing the soil from the ground up.
We look at every ecosystem as a whole. This means we start by conducting hydrologic assessments and soil investigations. Through soil testing and assessment, we determine site-specific soil treatments that create the foundation for a sustainable ecological community. We create this community by using appropriate soil amendments, fertilizers, and native plants in our projects. An adequately capitalized soil allows for successful revegetation after project construction. Native plant establishment ensures sediment source control, with deep native plant roots anchoring soil on steep slopes. Within these sediment source control parameters, erosion control blankets, mats, and fabric become unnecessary. In reality, erosion control blankets and other related projects may increase the likelihood for failure and re-treatments, which ultimately increases project costs.
Please call us at 530-308-1941 to speak with one of our certified erosion control specialists about creating a long-term and low-maintenance solution for your project.
Low Impact Development (LID)
Stormwater is a resource, not a waste product. Often times, stormwater is directed towards drains, when instead it can be used to create aesthetically appealing rain gardens or vegetated swales. These types of features will increase infiltration and minimize impervious surfaces and the necessity for stormwater treatment structures. Our work at the government center in Nevada City is an example of the use of low impact design philosophies in urban design. Low impact development offers on-site benefits and better hydrologic connectivity to improve general ecosystem functions within a watershed.
Restoration Services
- Ecological Restoration
- Soil Investigation
- Erosion Control
- Sediment Source Control
- Steep Slope Stabilization and Restoration
- Wetland Restoration
- Riparian Restoration
- Habitat Restoration
- Low Impact Development (LID)
- Restoration Irrigation Design and Installation
- BMP Design and Implementation
- Regulatory Compliance
- Agency Facilitation
Ecological Restoration Projects
- Highlands View Road Slope Restoration
- Negro Canyon Watershed Assessment and Restoration Project Design
- 64 Acres Restoration Project
- Mt. Hood Highway 35 Betterment Project
- Nevada City Government Center Low Impact Development Project

Ecological restoration project in Truckee, California.

Steep slope stabilization and ecological restoration at the Resort at Squaw Creek.

Steep slope stabilization and ecological restoration at the Resort at Squaw Creek.

Nevada City Government Center Low Impact Development Project.

Hand application of pine needle mulch.

Cave Rock erosion control and steep slope stabilization (before).

Cave Rock erosion control and steep slope stabilization (after).